Data Protection (according to DSGVO/ GDPR)
Our website does not capture or store any personal data. The technical event of accessing our website is being recorded along with the date and time anonymously. Thus, this does not allow inferences to personal data whatsoever.
Our website is a static website for informational purposes only and addresses mainly companies in the german-speaking DACH region.
In case of doubt you may inquire whether and which of your personal data we may have stored. Please kindly direct your request via email to data {at} alphaloba.gmbh oder via mail to the postal address below.
Entity information according to § 5 Telemediengesetz
alphaloba GmbH, Kriemhildstr. 5, D-51147 Köln HRB 107587
shareholder entity: alphaloba Investments GmbH
The companies alphaloba GmbH and alphaloba Investments GmbH do not offer any financial or investment advice or similar services that require special registration with financial or governmental authorities.
Legal and tax advice is covered exclusively by legal and tax consultancy partners.
Affiliate Links
We do not take any responsibility for websites of third parties that may link to our website.
In some areas we collaborate with partners. In case this website contains any affiliate links they will be listed below:
Currently our website does not contain any affiliate links.
Source information: All icons used on this website are free icons by Font Awesome.